Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Is it True that Umar (ra) Demoted Khalid bin Waleed position ? ?

This is true. Khalid bin Walid was rewarding the Muslims from his khumms which he got as a commander. The Muslims praised him for leading the conquest, and he paid them from his khumms. This got Umar (ra) to demote Khalid as a result.

Also, here are more texts to support Umar (ra) decision.

إني لم أعزل خالداً عن سخطة ولا خيانة ، ولكن الناس فُتنوا به فأحببت أن يعلموا أن الله هو الصانع

"I have not dismissed Khalid because of my anger or because of any dishonesty on his part, but because people glorified him and were misled. I feared that people would rely on him. I want them to know that it is Allah who give us victory; and there should be no mischief in the land".
source: al-Bidayah wal-Nihayah 7/81.
Here's a third Hadith which shows that 'Umar (ra) removed him for a specific reason in SIyar al-A'alam al-Nubalaa 1/378:

However, the problem is after he was replaced Khalid, the next commander who took his placed was not as competent of a warrior. So now the conquest missions began to slow down.

Khalid bin Walid was a strong warrior. On the contrary, he is not a high ranking sahabi. Refer to what the Sunni scholars have said.

Imam Bukhari said, which Imam Ibn Hajar mentioned in the Fat'h 3\7:

من صحب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أو رآه من المسلمين فهو من أصحابه

Now, there is really no difference between the Usuli's and the Muhadditheen definitions as far as the companioship is considered, except to further classify that the companionship as either general (aam) or close (khass). i.e. those who just saw him or met and sat with him briefly - sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam- are sahaba in the (aam =general) meaning, and those who spent lots of time and inhereted his knowledge are sahaba in the (khass =close) meaning. This how we should interpret the differences in definitions betweem the Usuli and the Muhadditheen scholars, this way we accept both's efforts and not reject one or the other. From this view we can understand the Hadith in Sahih Muslim where the Prophet -sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam, when he was angered by Khaled bin Walid for cussing at Abdurahman bin Awf, he looked at him and told him: (the famous Hadith)

لا تسبوا أصحابي

Which means: ( Do not cuss/curse my companions). Some people brought up this Sahih Hadith to prove that Khaled Bin Walid is not a Sahabi, because this Hadith the Prophet -sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam, told him directly: do not cuss at MY COMPANIONS. But we all know that based on the definition of Sahaba (ra) according to Ahlus Sunnah Ulama is everyone who saw or was seen or was present with the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam. So by that definition, khaled (ra) is also a Sahabi. So how come the Prophet -sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam, tells him do not curse my companions. The Ulama said: it is an indication that the level of companionship of people like Abdurahman bin Awf is nothing similar to that of Khaled Bin Al Walid (ra), not that the Prophet -sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam, is denying that the late people coming to Islam (like Khaled and Amru bin Al-Aas, etc..) are not Sahabi's. In fact, Ahlus Sunnah agree that the people who entered Islam during the Liberatin of Makkah, like Muawiyah and his father and his tribe and all the people who held out in Makkah till the last minute, etc.. are Sahaba. Though they came later than Khaled and Amru and the similars. There are simply different levels of Sahaba, and the Prophet's words by not calling Khaled a Sahabi though he's calling Abdurahman as one, is simply to show that Khaled is not at the same rank of companionship like Abdurahman, so much that if the people like Khaled spends like the mountain of Uhud worth God, they would not be able to attain even half of the rank of people in the rank of Abdurrahman bin Awf. But Ahlus Sunnah agree that at the end, both Abdurahman and Khaled are Sahaba.

With that in mind, Ahle Sunnah still consider Khalid bin Waleed to be superior in status than Muawiyah. In fact of his sons supported Imam Ali (as) in Siffin and the other one fought against Imam Ali (as).

Refer to the 8 min mark in the clip below.

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