Sunday, October 9, 2011

Al Khoei Permits the Slandering of Sunnis and non-12r Shia

أنه ثبت في الروايات والأدعية والزيارات جواز لعن المخالفين ، ووجوب البراءة منهم ، وإكثار السبّ عليهم ، واتّهامهم ، والوقيعة فيهم ـ أي غيبتهم ـ لأنّهم من أهل البدع والريب. بل لا شبهة في كفرهم ، لأنّ إنكار الولاية والأئمّة حتّى الواحد منهم ، والاعتقاد بخلافة غيرهم ، وبالعقائد الخرافية كالجبر ونحوه يوجب الكفر والزندقة ، وتدلّ عليه الأخبار المتواترة الظاهرة في كفر منكر الولاية ، وكفر المعتقد بالعقائد المذكورة وما يشبهها من الضلالات.

"The first aspect: Verily established in the riwayat, du`as, and ziyarat, is the permissibility of cursing (la`n) the opponents (al-mukhalifeen), and the obligation to do bara’at from them, to do much insulting against them, to accuse them, and to encounter (or, battle) them – that is to do gheebat against them – because they are the people of innovation and doubt (ahl al-bid` wa ‘r-rayb). Rather, there is no doubt in regards to their kufr, for verily the denial of walayat and the Imams, even a single one of them, and the belief in the khilafat of anyone other than them, and the belief in nonsense such as jabr and its like, necessitate kufr and heresy (az-zindaqa). And the apparent mutawatir Akhbar indicate upon the kufr of the denier of walaya, and the kufr of the one who believes in the aforementioned beliefs, and what is similar to it from the deviations."

الوجه الرابع : قيام السيرة المستمرّة بين عوام الشيعة وعلمائهم على غيبة المخالفين ، بل سبّهم ولعنهم في جميع الأعصار والأمصار ، بل في الجواهر أنّ جواز ذلك من الضروريات.

"The fourth aspect: The establishment of the continuous conduct amongst the common people of the Shi`a and their `ulama upon the gheeba against the opponents. Rather, their insulting and their cursing in every time and region. Rather, (it is said) in al-Jawahir that the permissibility of that is from the dururiyat (necessary tenets)."

"The fourth aspect: The establishment of the continuous conduct amongst the common people of the Shi`a and their `ulama upon the gheeba against the opponents. Rather, their insulting and their cursing in every time and region. Rather, (it is said) in al-Jawahir that the permissibility of that is from the dururiyat (necessary tenets)."

Incidentally he earlier defines the mu'min as this:

حرمة الغيبة مشروطة بالإيمان

قوله : ثم إنّ ظاهر الأخبار اختصاص حرمة الغيبة بالمؤمن .

أقول : المراد من المؤمن هنا من آمن بالله وبرسوله وبالمعاد وبالأئمّة الاثني عشر (عليهم السلام) أوّلهم علي بن أبي طالب (عليه السلام) وآخرهم القائم الحجّة المنتظر عجّل الله فرجه ، وجعلنا من أعوانه وأنصاره . ومن أنكر واحداً منهم جازت غيبته ، لوجوه :

The prohibition of gheeba (backbiting) is conditional to iman (faith, correct belief)

His saying: Then verily the exclusivity of the prohibition of gheeba to the mu’min is (what) is apparent from the Akhbar.

I say: The meaning of the mu’min here is whoever believes in Allah and His Messenger, in the resurrection, and in the twelve Imams عليهم السلام, the first of them being `Ali b. Abi Talib عليه السلام and the last of them being the Qa’im, the awaited Hujjat, may Allah hasten his relief and make us to be from his helpers and supporters. And whoever denies any of them, gheebat against him is permitted, due to a (number of) aspects

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