Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Imam Ali (as) Refused Abu Sufyan's Allegiance and Military Support Against Abu Bakr (ra)

When Abu Bakr (ra) became Calipah, Abu Sufyan came to Imam Ali (as) and inquired why in his presence the caliphate is being assigned to a junior tribe. He requested Imam Ali (as) to extend his hand for taking allegiance, and if people opposed him, he would post a huge contingent of soldiers and horsemen in Madinah for his support. Imam Ali (as) replied " Abu Sufyan, you are always in pursuit of inflicting harm to Islam. I do not your require counsel and admonition. We have selected Abu Bakr (ra) as calipah finding him most competent.
(Tabari vol. 3, p 202)

Peer Karam Shah Sahib al-Azhari in his 'Maqalaat' writes

When Abu Bakr (ra) became Calipah, Abu Sufyan came to Imam Ali (as) and inquired why in his presence the caliphate is being assigned to a junior tribe. He requested Imam Ali (as) to extend his hand for taking allegiance, and if people opposed him, he would post a huge contingent of soldiers and horsemen in Madinah for his support. Imam Ali (as) replied " o abu sufyaan you are an enemy of Islam and all you want is to destroy Islam"

A point to be consider is that the 12rs shias are in an agreement with Abi Sufyan here. They believe that the sahabas failed to recognize Imam Ali (as) imamate, but Abu Sufyan was aware of it, and ready to back Imam Ali (as) as well. On the contrary we sunnis follow Imam Ali (as) sunnah when he gave bayah to Abu Bakr(ra), while 12rs wish the sunnah of Abu Sufyaan sunnah have been established which is to get Abu Bakr (ra) and Imam Ali (as) to pull their swords against each other.

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